Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Asbestos Related Lung Cancer - Facts You Should Know

The link between asbestos and lung cancer is well established today. However, this was not always the case. For many decades, asbestos was considered to be a miracle mineral. It is an excellent insulator and this was one of its primary uses. Asbestos was also incorporated into a wide range of products manufactured.
Suspicions that asbestos exposure could cause serious health problems existed as far back as the last decade of the nineteenth century. It is thought that those interested in promoting asbestos consumption acted to discredit such reports.
By 1931, the British government had concluded that asbestos was possibly harmful to the body and took steps to ensure safety of those handling asbestos. The US government undertook similar actions during the 1970s.
Unfortunately, by that time, many thousands of people had their lives seriously affected by asbestos related lung cancer and other health problems. Asbestos was widely used in factories, homes and elsewhere.
Asbestos causes problems like scarring in the lungs, lung cancer, asbestosis and pleural plaques. It also causes a deadly, aggressive type of cancer called mesothelioma.
Unlike normal lung cancer which affects the tissues of the lung itself, mesothelioma affects the lining around the lungs called the pleura. This type of cancer arises almost only due to asbestos exposure.
Even a short exposure to asbestos can cause mesothelioma. Further, the cancer can show up several decades after the asbestos exposure.
As with most lung-related cancers, smoking increases the odds of contracting mesothelioma significantly. Some studies indicate that a smoker who has been exposed to asbestos has 50 to 90 times the chances of developing mesothelioma and other cancers of the lung, when compared to a non-smoker with similar asbestos exposure. A non-smoker who has been exposed to asbestos has about 5 times higher chance of developing mesothelioma compared to people who were never exposed to asbestos.
If you have had any exposure to asbestos either in the workplace or elsewhere, you should have regular screenings to detect any abnormalities in the lung. And this should be continued because lung cancer can show up as late as 50 years after the asbestos exposure. Early diagnosis of lung cancer offers the best hope for survival.
Diagnostic methods for detecting asbestos related lung cancers include going through a patient's medical history as well as performing chest x-rays, MRI scans, CAT scans, tissue sampling and biopsy.
The outlook for those diagnosed with mesothelioma (and other types of lung cancers) is generally not encouraging. In some cases, the life expectancy for someone diagnosed with mesothelioma may be as little as 2-3 months. Multi-treatment methods used in some clinical trials have managed to significantly enhance life expectancy -- one such trial achieved a 40% survival rate at five years.
Treatment for mesothelioma often combines chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. In many cases though, surgery may be ruled out because the cancer is diagnosed at a late stage. There are new chemotherapy treatments available that seem promising.
The first drug developed specifically to treat mesothelioma was Alimta, which was approved by the Food and Drugs Administration in 2004. When Alimta is used in combination with Cisplatin, which is also a drug used to treat cancers, it was found to increase patients' life expectancy. There is intensive research going on to produce a cure for these aggressive asbestos related cancers and these efforts may eventually produce a reliable cure.
Linda Day is a researcher who has written about the types of lung cancer, the smoking lung cancer connection and other related topics. To learn more about this disease, visit the previous links.

The Risk of Lung Cancer From Asbestos

Asbestos has been categorized as a known human carcinogen (a material that causes cancer) by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the EPA, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Studies have revealed that exposure to asbestos may add to the risk of lung cancer and mesothelioma.
While the majority asbestos-associated cancers are related to the intensity and duration of exposure, reports in medical journals have connected some mesotheliomas to short exposure periods, on the order of months. People who get asbestosis have typically been exposed to high levels of asbestos extensively. The symptoms of these diseases do not typically come into view until about 20 to 30 years after the first exposure to asbestos.
Asbestos-related lung disease rose at very high rates toward the middle of the 20th century, when patients who were uncovered decades earlier to asbestos ultimately developed disease. British asbestos workers were among the first who were detected to suffer lung cancer related to asbestos.
The majority asbestos lung cancer begins in the lining of the bronchi, the tubes into which the trachea or windpipe divides. However, it can also start in other parts such as the trachea, bronchioles (small branches of the bronchi), or alveoli (lung air sacs). Even though the cancer typically develops slowly, once it happens, cancer cells can break away and extend to other areas of the body.
Asbestos has been recognized as a principal risk factor for lung cancer for several years. However, though death statistics for Great Britain are readily obtainable, the number of deaths attributable to asbestos cannot be concluded in a straight line. This is because there are many agents that can lead to the disease - most significantly, tobacco smoke - and lung cancers resulting from asbestos exposure are clinically identical from those caused by these other agents.
There was a study that pointed out that exposure to asbestos and smoke makes you ninety times more possible to contract lung cancer than a person who is not exposed to either. A number of the symptoms of lung cancers include coughing, irregularities, breathing chest pains and also anemia.
If you want to get some excellent resources on asbestos, please visit my site on All about Asbestos [http://www.1st-in-asbestos.blogspot.com/] or Lung Cancer and Asbestos [http://1st-in-asbestos.blogspot.com/2009/08/risk-of-lung-cancer-from-asbestos.html]

Asbestos - Asbestosis, Mesothelioma, Lung Cancer

Asbestos has many appealing qualities for builders. It is strong, flexible and corrosion resistant. It is also burn resistant and a good insulator. There are not many substances with these qualities and may explain why it was so widely used. It becomes hazardous when asbestos containing materials are disturbed or damaged. Asbestos is made up of microscopic bundles of fibers. When the materials become disturbed or damaged, these fibers separate and may become airborne. These fibers may get into the lungs and that may lead to serious and even fatal diseases. Some of these diseases include:
Asbestosis is a non-cancerous lung disease. Inhaling asbestos fibers for an extended period of time causes it. This disease takes twenty five to forty years to develop. As asbestos fibers become trapped in your lungs, the body will produce an acid to try to eliminate these fibers. The continued production of the acid can eventually scar the tissues in your lungs. An excessive amount of scarring may cause the lungs to function improperly. This can lead to serious breathing difficulties. If asbestosis is left untreated, it may cause cardiac failure. At this time, there is no effective treatment for this disease. People who renovate or demolish buildings that contain asbestos have the greatest risk of getting asbestosis. The chances of getting this disease through physical contact with a person who works with asbestos are minimal. People who worked in naval shipyards were the first ones diagnosed with asbestosis.
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that affects the pleura (the outer membrane that encloses the lung and chest cavity) and/ or the peritoneum (the membrane lining the walls of the abdominal cavity). In the United States, there are only about 3000 new cases of this disease annually. Exposure to asbestos has been the cause in all of the cases. The exposure in these cases lasted anywhere from fifteen to thirty years. Unlike other forms of cancer, there is only one known cause of mesothelioma. Studies indicate that people who work in areas that contain asbestos, such as mines, mills, factories, or shipyards, or who manufacture and install asbestos installation are at the greatest risk of getting mesothelioma. You are also at risk if you live with a worker exposed to asbestos or near any area containing asbestos. Studies also indicate that younger people are more likely to contract mesothelioma when they inhale asbestos. This is the reason why people are going to great lengths to protect school children from asbestos exposure.
Many cases of lung cancer can also be attributed to asbestos exposure. Lung cancer is actually the leading cause of death among all of the illnesses caused by asbestos exposure. You can aggravate the effects of lung cancer by about fifty percent if you start smoking. People who work in occupations where they are directly involved in the handling of asbestos are at a greater risk of getting lung cancer. Exposure to both asbestos and another carcinogen, such as cigarette smoke, puts you at greater risk of contracting lung cancer than exposure to asbestos alone. There was a study that indicated that exposure to asbestos and smoke makes you ninety times more likely to contract lung cancer than a person who is not exposed to either. Some of the symptoms of lung cancer include coughing, breathing irregularities, chest pains and anemia. It usually takes fifteen to thirty years of exposure to asbestos to contract lung cancer.
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Asbestos [http://asbestos-guided.com]

Lung Cancer Can Be Caused By Asbestos Exposure

Many people have found that they are simply are not as aware of the complications related to asbestos exposure as they should be. Because of this, some have ended up with lung cancer only to find out later that they have been exposed to asbestos. Even if you do not currently have any medical problems, it might be a good idea to think back through the past ten or twenty years to determine whether there was a time when you may have been exposed to high levels of asbestos. If so, you will know to keep an extra close eye on your health. If you start to experience any of the signs and symptoms related to asbestos exposure visit your doctor immediately.
You might initially experience a dry cough that will not go away, and you could end up having breathing problems. Upon further testing, there is a chance that lung cancer might appear. While there is no absolute cure for cancer of any type, it is important to remember that there are treatments that can possibly send the cancer into remission. Many people have lived for years after being diagnosed with lung cancer. The determining factor is often when the cancer is caught, what treatments are performed and the mental strength of the person going through the treatments.
You will want to make sure that you are keeping yourself and your family away from asbestos when at all possible. Avoid old buildings that are in bad need of repair. Miners and workers who are responsible for removing old building materials have a high risk of being exposed to asbestos, so it is important to make sure that you are using the proper equipment, from breathing masks to whole body suits. This is the best way to make sure that you and your loved ones will not be exposed to asbestos. Remember that you can bring asbestos home on your clothes, putting your children at risk for developing lung cancer in the future.
For those who have been exposed to high levels of asbestos, it is important to make sure that you are doing what you need to do in order to stay as healthy as possible. This means that you will want to have a consultation with your doctor. Explain the history of your exposure to asbestos, including when it and what your concerns are. Explain that you want tests performed to check the condition of your lungs. Make sure that you have not developed lung cancer.
You have good reason to suspect something could be wrong and are entitled to the tests that can save your life. Ask for them. Do not hold back. Stand your ground, and insist on being scanned for lung cancer. If it turns out that you are fine, then you can rest peacefully. Make sure, however, that you go back for periodic checkups because you never know if the lung cancer will form later on.
If you have been exposed to asbestos you may want to consider an asbestos lawsuit to help recover compensation for damages.

Vital Facts You Must Know About Mesothelioma, Asbestos and Lung Cancer

Asbestos and lung cancer have been companions for the previous one hundred years. Most people who've contracted mesothelioma worked in occupations where they were exposed to and breathed asbestos fibers. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer which may be either malignant or benign. It's found in the mesothelium which is a skinny protective tissue covering most internal organs. The only recognized reason behind mesothelioma results from the instance of exposure to and breathing of asbestos dust floating in the air.
Inhaling asbestos dust over lengthy intervals of time can result in asbestosis, a chronic progressive lung disease, in addition to lung cancer and mesothelioma. Although asbestos and lung cancer have had a recognized affiliation for decades, new instances of asbestos-triggered cancer continue to appear each year.
Asbestos is mostly seen in the mining, milling, manufacturing, application, or removal of asbestos materials. Asbestos was banned from use many years ago, but still exists in merchandise produced prior to them being banned. The risk of developing a progressive lung disease, cancer of the lungs, or mesothelioma is associated with the overall life exposure to asbestos fibers.
Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring minerals which are resistant to fire and chemicals. They're fibrous mineral forms of impure magnesium silicate and found in fire-proofing merchandise, electrical insulation, cement, shingles, acoustic and decorative ceiling or wall plaster, and additional construction materials. When tiny asbestos fibers become airborne because of removal, replacing, fixing, or from being disturbed, they may be deeply inhaled into the lung tissue, causing mesothelioma, lung cancer, and progressive lung illnesses.
Asbestos seems to promote the manufacture of lung cancer, but is not the actual cause. If asbestos dust particles are breathed into the lung tissue the body's immune system cells attempt to remove them as best they can. In spite of this, the immune cells die which cause scar tissue to be produced, surrounding the lifeless cells. The scar tissue continues to develop until there is an ample quantity to cause the lungs to stop working. The risk of getting lung cancer is increased in smokers with asbestosis. The possibility of getting lung cancer is greatly increased in folks who are both heavy smokers and exposed to toxic asbestos.
Cancer in the mesothelium results from abnormal tissue cells dividing out of control. Cancerous cells can metastasize, which means they'll invade other tissues which can be near the area of cancer, and spread via the lymphatic system and bloodstream to different areas of the human body. Mesothelial cancerous tumors usually develop in the mesothelium of the pleura or peritoneum. Pleura is the thin membrane protecting each lung which folds back to create a lining for the chest cavity. The peritoneum surrounds the walls of the belly cavity which wrap around the soft internal organs. Primary mesothelial cancerous tumors of the tissue surrounding the heart are extremely rare.
Disorders brought on by asbestos inhalation typically don't show signs for decades after actual exposure. By the time the disease is found it is typically in its later stages. Due to this, mesotheliomas brought on by exposure are ordinarily deadly within 2 to 4 years after diagnosis. The National Cancer Institute continues to sponsor scientific trials, hoping that they will someday result in a remedy or at the very least new and improved therapy.
It is essential to remove or seal any asbestos-containing materials that you may become exposed to. The asbestos removal cost is definitely worth the peace of mind you will receive realizing you are not breathing this hazardous substance.
If you were diagnosed with asbestos cancer, also referred to as mesothelioma, you can visit asbestos.com and receive a free package that has details about specific therapies geared to your specific diagnosis. The packet additionally includes top mesothelioma medical doctors and cancer facilities throughout the nation, along with a number of choices for monetary assistance that may perhaps help pay for medical expenses.
If asbestos products are in your home you need to have them completely removed or encapsulated at once. Learn how much an average asbestos removal cost will be along with essential details with reference to asbestos and lung cancer.

Lung Cancer, Mesothelioma and Asbestos

Commonly, because lung cancer symptoms do not manifest in the early stage of the disease, treating it will be a big problem especially when detection happens when cancer metastases or secondary cancer cells already developed in the other organs of the body. Much research work has been dedicated to find out the first symptoms of lung cancer. Extensive research works conducted at Mesothelioma research clinics have uncovered some symptoms of lung cancer closely linked with the disease.
The main three symptoms to lung cancer that should not be ignored are shortness of breath, pain when breathing or coughing, and existence of a persistent cough, especially if it is accompanied by expectoration of sputum streaked with blood. Additionally, loss of appetite, fatigue, unusual losses of weight are three symptoms, which are indicative of lung cancer. The website further deals with the symptoms that can indicate and help identify the formulation of the preliminary stages of the disease (though difficult to be detected) so that adequate measures can be taken at the earliest possible opportunity.
Stage IV with extensive lymph node involvement or cancer that has spread to other organs, hen treated with chemotherapy and palliative care to reduce symptoms and increase comfort has a one-year survival rate.
Erionite fibers were found in biopsies of lungs of the mesothelioma cancer afflicted people. The third type of mesothelioma is called biphasic, it is a combination of the other two types and consists of 20-35% of all cases. In fact, Mesothelioma research news states that the period of the onset of Mesothelioma cancer could be from 10 to 60 years from the time of exposure to asbestos.
It is said that mesothelioma is linked to lung cancer and it is a good idea to get the help that is deserved when someone feels like they have been diagnosed because of the work that they did for a living. The term mesothelioma is used to describe a cancer tumor, which involves the mesothelial cells of an organ; this is usually the lungs, heart, or the abdominal organs. Mesothelioma cancer is caused by exposure to carcinogens such as asbestos.
Most cancers are caused by external stimuli and mesothelioma is no different.
The time between exposure and development of cancer ranges from 15 to 30 years. Your risk increases by 30 percent from daily exposure to second-hand smoke. Second-hand smoke: Exposure to second-hand smoke has been shown to be a definite risk factor.
Although rarely discussed, exposure to toxic fumes in the workplace or environmental toxins in the air contribute to a significant number of deaths from lung cancer. For example, occupational exposure to diesel motor emissions, asbestos, and paint was found to be significantly correlated with an increased risk of lung cancer. Although changes in the lung begin almost immediately upon exposure to carcinogens, lung cancer takes years to develop.
Mesothelioma is a rare but deadly type of cancer usually caused by exposure to asbestos or asbestos-containing products. People who get lung cancer from asbestos exposure usually get it from work or from living in an older home. Factors that may protect people from lung cancer are not smoking, avoiding second hand smoke, a diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruit, and limiting exposure to potential carcinogens in the environment such as radon.
Imagine a building with asbestos insulation torn apart and exposing all that insulation, well now you can see the problem. Lung Cancer is affiliated with Asbestos Exposure.
People working in industries which involve extensive use of asbestos and other chemical substances/fumes are also at a greater risk of lung cancer. There are no reported cases of mesothelioma in people who were not exposed to asbestos either in the workplace or through their environment. Because asbestos related diseases take decades to form, early detection is critical for proper treatment.
However, exposure to asbestos presents an added urgency for routine appointments.
For more related information about Asbestos Exposure [http://www.asbestos-exposure-news.com/index.htm], Asbestos Cancer [http://www.asbestos-exposure-news.com/asbestos-cancer.htm], Pleural Asbestosis [http://www.asbestos-exposure-news.com/pleural-asbestosis.htm] and various other pages on this topic, stop by and see if the information we have can help you.

Treating Lung Cancer With Radiation Therapy

Sometimes called radiotherapy, radiation therapy uses rays of high-energy to kill off cancer cells by damaging their DNA and hindering their ability to both grow and divide. When cancerous cells realize that their DNA has been damaged, they die and are eliminated from the body naturally. Small cell lung cancer will discover this damage much more earlier on than non-small cell lung cancer, as it grows more rapidly helping the tumor to die more quickly. There are two types of radiation therapy available:
External Beam Radiation Therapy
Using a linear accelerator (machine), external beam radiation therapy offers an effective way to kill off cancerous cells, as it is capable of focusing a radiation beam precisely in the body for an exact period of time. It is usually given to patients over a period of several weeks where the lung cancer is either primary, or has metastasized to other organs.
Although this therapy is still widely used by doctors, it is in fact beginning to lose its place due to more modern technology. Such technology may include:
1. Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy (3D-CRT) - Used to treat lung cancer tumors by delivering a precise dose of multiple radiation treatment fields.
2. Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) - Modifies the radiation by varying the intensity of their beams. IMRT is a specialized form of 3D-CRT.
3. Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) - Used to treat early stage lung cancer by delivering small doses of high radiation to an exact target. SBRT is a specialized form of IMRT.
4. Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) - The most advanced radiation treatment available today that uses proton beams rather than X-rays, although due to it being a newly developed treatment process is not widely available.
Internal Beam Radiation Therapy (Brachytherapy)
Used to shrink the tumor with the use of a bronchoscope (flexible lighted instrument inserted into the trachea [windpipe]), to relieve the airways that may be blocked, although this is also a procedure that can be done surgically. Small amounts of radioactive material are placed either directly into the cancerous cells, or into the airway next to the cancerous cells.
Because brachytherapy radiation therapy is so precise, less damage is usually caused to the surrounding healthy tissue. It is also used in combination with chemotherapy where the tumor is difficult to operate on due to its size or location, or when the patient is unable to be operated on because of ill-health.
Side-Effects of Radiation Therapy
The side-effects of radiation therapy usually depend on the condition of the patient and which organs are receiving treatment, as the response between both can be quite dramatic. Some patients may appear to have short-term side-effects that disappear quickly, but where the damage tends to linger on, and other patients may suffer from more severe side-effects which disappear more quickly. However, one thing can be assured, there will be side-effects of some degree or another for all patients who receive this type of treatment.
Philip was born in the United Kingdom. Today he works as a freelance writer in Mexico, where he spends much of his time researching and writing about health related issues. If you feel that you have benefited from reading one of his articles: please recommend them to others who may also benefit. Thank you for reading Philip's articles!

SCLC - Treating Small Cell Lung Cancer

Usually only diagnosed in people who smoke (although not always), small cell lung cancer (SCLC) makes up for between 10 - 15% of all lung cancer cases diagnosed. But, although a lower percentage of people are affected with the disease, it is a much more aggressive form of lung cancer than that of non-small cell lung cancer.
Starting at the center of the chest, SCLC can quickly metastasize (spread) to other parts of the body, such as: the lymph nodes, the bones, the liver, and the brain. Because of its quick metastasis, surgery in not usually considered as an option for SCLC, as treatments such as: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and clinical trial treatments are preferred.
Radiation Therapy (Radiotherapy) - Uses high-energy rays to kill off cancerous cells by damaging their DNA and hindering their ability to both grow and divide. This is a particularly effective treatment for SCLC, as once the cancer realizes that its DNA has been damaged, its cells quickly begin to die and are eliminated from the body.
External Beam Radiation Therapy - Uses a linear accelerator, which is a machine capable of killing off cancerous cells by directing a precise beam of radiation in the body for a specific period of time, and is often the method chosen to treat SCLC. External beam radiation therapy is usually given 5-times a week, over a period of several weeks.
Often external beam radiation therapy is combined with chemotherapy to try to shrink the tumor to relieve the pain that a patient may be suffering, together with relieving the symptoms of persistent coughs, and shortness of breath, both which are common with SCLC.
Chemotherapy - Is the most widely used cancer treatment today, and is considered to be a viable option to treat SCLC by destroying its cells with the use of a combination of drugs, such as: carboplatin, cisplatin, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, etoposide, irinotecan or vincristine, which are administered in cycles every three to four weeks over a period of time depending on the staging of the lung cancer.
If after the first period of chemotherapy treatment the cancer continues to metastasize, chemotherapy may be given once again with a different combination of drugs, such as: docetaxle, gemcitabine, ifosfamide, paclitaxel, topotecan or vinorelbine, again in cycles over a further period of time.
Clinical Trial Treatment - A patient may decide to enroll in a clinical trial where other treatment options may be offered. These options usually consist of new treatments that are being researched, or existing treatments that are being used at present offered in new combinations or different doses. It is common for patients to opt for clinical trial treatments when existing or previous treatments have shown little or no success.
Philip was born in the United Kingdom. Today he works as a freelance writer in Mexico, where he spends much of his time researching and writing about health related issues. If you feel that you have benefited from reading one of his articles: please recommend them to others who may also benefit. Thank you for reading Philip's articles!

What to Expect After Having a Lung Removed

One of the first questions that may come to mind when someone has been advised that the best option for survival is to have a lung removed, is "How can someone live with just one lung?" But there are in fact a large number of people out there who have no other choice but to live with just one lung.
Most patients after having had a lung removed will be inclined to suffer from certain side-effects, although these may vary between patients. The side-effects of the surgery itself, together with those of chemotherapy and radiation therapy can be quite intense, although for most they are usually short-lived.
After the lung operation has taken place, help may be required for the patient to adjust to his/her new life-style. There are people and organizations on-hand specially trained to offer this type of help. Social workers, and cancer help organizations are two such sources of help available where there is usually no cost involved for the patient at all.
Usually they are able to help with the basic things, such as: arranging transport that may be required for going backwards and forwards to the hospital for after-op treatment, a nurse may be needed, grants for mobility-aids (wheel chair), heating costs, general household expenses, etc. They can in fact be a Godsend for those who choose to use them.
If the patient gets past the first 12 months, much of the healing that can be done, has already been done, and life can start getting back to as normal as possible. Although, life will never be the same again, as it will be much more limited in the things that a patient can do compared to before the operation took place.
There are many reasons why someone may have had their lung removed, although 90% of the time it is associated with lung cancer which is usually related to smoking. When this is the case, the prognosis of the after-op lung patient is usually quite short; however, certain factors must first be taken into consideration before any assessment as to the patient's expected quality of life, and life-expectancy can be given.
These may include: the reason why the lung was removed, the age and gender of the patient, if a transplant lung was used, how healthy the remaining lung was at the time of the operation, the general health of the patient, how well the patient respond to treatment, etc.
These are all factors that can have some bearing on what will happen to the patient after surgery; although, it is quite common for treatment and check-ups to continue for the rest of the patient's life, whatever the reason.
Philip was born in the United Kingdom. Today he works as a freelance writer in Mexico, where he spends much of his time researching and writing about health related issues. If you feel that you have benefited from reading one of his articles: please recommend them to others who may also benefit. Thank you for reading Philip's articles!

Treating Lung Cancer With Chemotherapy

There are two main types of lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), which is the most commonly diagnosed in patients, and the faster growing more aggressive small cell lung cancer (SCLC), which makes-up for between 10 - 15% of all lung cancer cases diagnosed.
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - consists of three types: squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and large cell carcinoma, where various treatment options are available depending on its staging: biologic therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy (high-energy rays of light used to kill cancer cells by damaging their DNA and hindering their ability to both grow and divide), and surgery.
Small Cell Lung Cancer - consists of two types, small cell carcinoma (oat cell cancer), and combined cell carcinoma, where treatment options usually consist of: chemotherapy, laser therapy (a small beam of light used to burn and kill cancer cells), photodynamic therapy (a light used to activate drugs that kill cancer cells), radiation therapy, and surgery.
However, chemotherapy which has been around for some 70 years, is still the most widely used treatment for lung cancer. Dating back to the Second World War, chemotherapy was once used as a chemical warfare weapon; however, today chemotherapy has evolved from a one chemical killer, to a 100 plus drug Saviour.
Chemotherapy works by destroying cancer cells and stopping their spread with the use of a combination of drugs, and is something that has shown an acceptable amount of success throughout the years. However, chemotherapy tends to cause unwanted side-effects too, as not only are the bad cells destroyed, but also a considerable amount of damage is caused to the healthy ones.
Damage to the healthy cells in bone marrow (that make blood), the stomach, the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus, the mouth and the hair, are all common side-effects suffered by patients. Although many of these side-effects are usually temporary, they can be quite horrific, which can also contribute to a negative effect on the patient.
Damage to the healthy cells around the hair follicles, usually results in alopecia (hair-loss), which for many can seriously damage their self-confidence, and is probably one of the most associated side-effects of chemotherapy. Also chemotherapy treatment can send signals to the brain telling the body to vomit, together with irritations in the stomach that cause the sensation of nausea.
The constant sensation of nausea, anemia ([low red blood cell count] causes the patient to feel weak and tired), neutropenia ([low white blood cell count] can leave the patient open to infection), and trombocytopenia ([low pateletes] cell fragment found in the blood that cause bleeding and bruising), are all things that can affect the patient.
Although chemotherapy treatment can cause harmful side-effects to many patients, they are usually a lot less severe than those caused by the lung cancer if left untreated. However, continual research and development is helping chemotherapy to improve with the use of new drugs, and its combination with other treatments, to make it an even more powerful weapon.
Philip was born in the United Kingdom. Today he works as a freelance writer in Mexico, where he spends much of his time researching and writing about health related issues. If you feel that you have benefited from reading one of his articles: please recommend them to others who may also benefit. Thank you for reading Philip's articles!

What Organs Are Affected by Lung Cancer?

As lung cancer is seldom diagnosed while at an early stage, and usually only by accident after a doctor has ordered a routine chest X-ray for another health issue, other vital organs in the body have already been affected by metastasis (its spread). It is quite common for 25% of all lung cancer sufferers to show no signs at all of having lung cancer present.
Unfortunately for many, the damage that has been caused to these organs is usually permanent. As the disease develops, metastasis is usually found not only in regional tissue, but in distant tissue too, allowing for it to move with relative ease throughout the body while infecting whatever gets in its way. Organs commonly affected by lung cancer are:
The Liver - Often the liver and adrenal glands (endocrine [glands that secrete hormones directly into the blood, and not through a duct] that sit at the top of the kidneys) are affected over a considerable amount of time without any noticeable symptoms to the sufferer.
The Brain - Usually the first symptoms that the brain has been affected by lung cancer metastasis is when the sufferer begins to have visual problems, memory loss problems, headaches, a noticeable loss of strength, or a partial seizure has occurred.
The Bones - When the bones have been affected, usually a noticeable discomfort will be present either in the vertebrae (backbone), or the ribs and thighs. Although these symptoms may be present much more earlier on, they usually either go unnoticed, or just get put down to the after-effects of something else.
The Nerves - Also prone to lung cancer metastasis are the nerves, when affected can cause many sufferers to experience aching pains in the shoulders that may also run along the outer-side of either arm.
The Vocal Cords - When the esophagus (the conduit that connects the mouth and stomach) has been affected, a sufferer may experience difficulty in swallowing. Often, this is when part of the lung has collapsed, resulting in an infection in the lung that can be extremely difficult to treat.
General Symptoms - When more organs in the body have been affected, a lack of appetite, weight loss (usually occurring when no exercise or dietary regime has been put in place), bleeding, and blood clotting may be noticed. Often when these symptoms are present, they easily go unnoticed due to being similar to the after-effects of other less serious illnesses.
However, if symptoms are persistent, it is always prudent to get them checked out by a doctor as soon as possible, as when lung cancer has metastasized to other vital organs in the body, a patients 5-year prognosis after diagnosis, is usually very poor.
Philip was born in the United Kingdom. Today he works as a freelance writer in Mexico, where he spends much of his time researching and writing about health related issues. If you feel that you have benefited from reading one of his articles: please recommend them to others who may also benefit. Thank you for reading Philip's articles!

Revealed - The Most Recent Information About Asbestos Lung Cancer

The use of asbestos in construction and textile companies has resulted in a number of deaths. Workers working with asbestos have been attacked by cancerous cells in the lungs. The fibers or dust particles emanated when asbestos is processed cannot be expelled by the lungs because of their large size. Thus, they deposit on the outer covering of the lungs and cause damage to it. These cancer cells could slowly spread further and attack other parts of the body.
A person washing the clothes of a worker working in a factory where asbestos is used is also likely to suffer from the disease. Since these fibers deposit and damage the lungs slowly, the symptoms of the disease start to appear very late. A person will be able to experience these symptoms only 30 to 50 years after they had been exposed to asbestos. Symptoms show only when the cancer has reached its final stage. These symptoms could a lot of time be confused with other disorders and in most cases the doctor is not able to diagnose the cancer. This is also because the cancer is still not popularly known by all doctors.
The symptoms of asbestos lung cancer are pretty much non specific. Patients suffering from this type of lung cancer will complain of pain and swelling in the abdomen, chest pain, pain in swallowing because of swelling in the face and neck, wheezing, difficulty in breathing, fever, fatigue and other specific symptoms such as blood colored sputum, dropping blood sugar level, pleural effusion, clotting of blood in the veins and accumulation of fluid in the chest and abdomen.
The diagnosis of asbestos lung cancer is done by performing an X-ray, CT scan and confirmed by a procedure known as biopsy. For biopsy, a surgeon will take samples of tissues and give it to the pathologist for closer examination. The treatment for asbestos lung cancer is decided keeping in mind the physical health of the patient, the location and size of the cancer and the extent to which it has affected the body.
There are different options for treating asbestos lung cancer but the chances of survival are very low. The different options include:
1. Surgery: The surgery to be performed will be decided on the basis of where the cancer cells are located in the lungs. Segmental resection may be performed to remove a portion of the lung. An entire lobe may also be removed. Patients may not be able to regain their energy after the surgery since air and fluid will accumulate in their chest.
2. Chemotherapy: Anti cancer drugs are prescribed to the patient in order to kill the cancer cells inside the body. These drugs could be taken orally or inserted by injection through the veins.
3. Radiation therapy: Radiation producing materials are inserted inside the body to remove cancer cells. Radiation signals may also be given using external machines.
Doctors are researching to find new treatments for the disease. They are trying to develop techniques that will help drain out the accumulated fluid from the chest and the abdomen.
John Dust writes alot about Asbestos Lung Cancer [http://asbestosislawyers.org]. Please check out the website with more information on Asbestos Lung Cancer [http://asbestosislawyers.org] and more details on Asbestos Lung Cancer.

Asbestos Lung Cancer Treatment & Mesothelioma Information

Doctor appointments are critical to make sure you're staying in proper health. However, exposure to asbestos presents an added urgency for routine appointments. Because asbestos related diseases take decades to form, early detection is critical for proper treatment. People who have jobs in industries like construction, shipbuilding and manufacturing are particularly susceptible of contracting these conditions.
Even with the best screening techniques available today mesothelioma often can escape diagnosis. The best thing to do is get screened early and consistently, especially if you had exposure to asbestos. Medical technology has breakthroughs every day and eventually a cure will be found. However, until then, the victims of mesothelioma should take action against those responsible. Contact a lawyer in your state today so you can receive compensation for your suffering.
The affected areas from mesothelioma cancer are the lining of the internal organs in the body. Because of the location of the infected cells, mesothelioma does not respond well to conventional treatments unlike most other forms of cancer. In addition, there are no blatant symptoms of the disease, so doctors cannot properly diagnose the illness until it's significantly advanced. Because of these factors, the effectiveness of many conventional treatments are limited.
When treating mesothelioma, doctors use several treatment options. Surgery, radiation treatments and chemotherapy have been traditional options for slowing the growth of cancerous cells. Doctors dealing with mesothelioma have to plan an innovative method of attack to combat this condition. New treatments like angiogenesis, photodynamic and gene therapy hold new hope for victims of mesothelioma everywhere. Depending on the state and location of the cancer, doctors will choose the best course of action for the circumstances. If it's discovered early enough, doctors can prolong the life of the victim, but sadly cannot cure the disease.
The three main types of malignant mesotheliomas are epithelioid, sarcomatoid and mixed/biphasic. Epithelioid is the most common kind as around 50-70% of all mesothelioma cases reported are this type. Epithelioid also has the best chances of survival. It affects the internal organs and internal surfaces coverings. Sarcomatoid is a much more serious condition as it affects the secondary tissues in the body such as cartilage, muscles, bone and fat. However, this cancer is much rarer, as it only occurs 7-20% of the time. Mixed/biphasic is having both types of the cancer at once, and this makes up 20-35% of the occurrences.
There are three targeted areas that mesothelioma can affect. Pleural mesothelioma affects the pleural cavity around the lungs and is responsible for a majority 75% of all cases diagnosed. Peritoneal mesothelioma accounts for 10-20% of all cases and affects the tissues in the abdomen (especially the stomach and intestines). Pericardial mesothelioma is the rarest form which affects the sac and lining surrounding the heart.
To learn more about known asbestos worksiteswho gets mesothelioma or photodynamic therapy for mesothelioma, please visit our website. This article may be freely reprinted as long as this resource box is included and all links stay intact as hyperlinks.

What is Mesothelioma Or Asbestos Lung Cancer?

It may sound like something exotic, but mesothelioma is a form of rare cancer. It occurs at the outer surface of the lungs and is typically associated with exposure to asbestos. Therefore it is often called asbestos lung cancer. There have been a few cases where it was observed in people who had never been exposed to asbestos. It can also be attributed to irradiation and the inhalation of certain fibrous silicates. Mesothelial cells are cells which surround all our organs and it is in these that the Mesothelioma cancer occurs. There are different types types of mesothlial cells: epitheliod, sacromatoid and biphasic. In case of cancer one or more of these may be present in different combinations.
Epitheliod cells are the most common cancer cells of the three. They represent up to 70% of cells in malignant mesothelioma. This type of cell has a cubed shaped appearance and as a group they appear in a tubular and uniform arrangement. biphasic mesothelioma cells are less common, they account for up to 30% of mesothelioma cells and are a combination of the two other kinds. Biphasic cells frequently occur when the other two types of cells are already present in a tumor. The occurrence of sarcomatoid is in general rare. In some instances the mesothelioma can also occur from benign and the non-malignant cells. This is in general rare though. Also this type of mesothelioma cancer can be treated surgically.
The symptoms vary from shortness of breath, cough and chest pain. These happens due to the accumulated fluid in the pleural space of the lungs. Other symptoms include fatigue, anemia, wheezing, or blood in the sputum or coughed-out fluid. If it gets to an extreme case, tumors may be present which may cause the lung to collapse. Or spread the cancer other parts of the body. Signs and symptoms usually appear a long time after the actual exposure, typically twenty to fifty years after exposure to asbestos.
This article was written by Andy Smit. For more information or sharing of information on mesothelioma asbestos lung cancer, pls. visit our website at [http://asbestos-cancer-mesotheliomasite.com]

Asbestos and Lung Cancer Are Old Friends

Anyone can theoretically breathe in asbestos. Asbestos use and lung cancer have been associated for years. Asbestos and asbestos derivatives have been used in so many products that as consumers we use everyday. Part of an element of asbestos was once used in crayons for instance. Asbestos has also been built into many peoples homes, public schools, clothing and even used extensively in hospitals. It used to be ubiquitous, not so much anymore.
If an object is moved or agitated and it contains asbestos, microscopic spores or fibers are flung into the air. They are so light, they float. This causes humans to breathe them in not knowing what they are sucking into their bodies. Since these spores are not supposed to be in our bodies, our lungs do not know what to do with them. Our lungs do not know they are even there. The spores end up being trapped in our lungs for years on end. As time marches forward, these spores gather around and end up scarring and inflaming the lungs. This may not interfere with your breathing ability but can lead to severe health complications.
Asbestos has been officially labeled as a preeminent carcinogen. This means that this element induces cancer. Asbestos and lung cancer have been synonymous. This fact has been classified as such by the EPA, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the International Agency for Research on Cancer. There has been data accumulated that supports the findings that asbestos can increase the chances of someone obtaining lung cancer. Not only lung cancer, mesothelioma is another disease that can be attained.
Mesothelioma is a pretty uncommon form of asbestos lung cancer that incorporates the thin membranes that attach themselves along the chest and abdomen. There is a strong chance you would never be a statistic with this type of cancer unless you inhaled asbestos. Mesothelioma is virtually unheard of without contact with asbestos.
Asbestos does not stop there. It can cause more than two forms of cancer. There has been data that offers an association between asbestos inhalation and colorectal and gastrointestinal cancers. Moreover, being in an atmosphere of asbestos can increase the chances of someone obtaining kidney, throat, esophagus and gallbladder cancer. But, this evidence is not perfect and there are some doubters to these accusations.
Asbestos exposure can perhaps exacerbate the chances of asbestosis. This is an inflammatory situation irritating the lungs which can lead to weakness of breath, coughing and severe lung damage. Asbestos has been known to cause nonmalignant lung and pleural disorders. Pleural plaques is another.This condition is where the membranes which encompass the lungs are damaged. Another disorder is pleural thickening. Asbestos can also ignite benign pleural effusions. This is when fluids collect between the thin layers of tissue draping the lungs and the chest cavity wall. Pleural plaques do not guarantee lung cancer but if someone is beset by this sickness there is an increased chance that lung cancer will be soon manifest itself.
The relationship between asbestos and lung cancer has been widely accepted. United States industries and manufacturing plants have moved away from using asbestos in many products. Comparatively statistics show that domestic intake of asbestos in 1973 was about 803,000 tons. By 2005, this number had dropped to 2,400 tons.
Adam Bradley is a book publisher of How-To and information books. While researching asbestos and lung cancer he was shocked by the tremendous amount of bad information, scams, and bogus agencies. He felt that having to spend countless hours sorting articles and web pages just to find help during a period when time is of the essence was absurd. To help the victims and families of those exposed to asbestos, he and his research team compiled this information and offer a free 15 part Info-Course at: Asbestos Cancer Resources.com.

Lung Cancer From Asbestos: Important Facts to Know and How to Cope With the Problem

What are asbestos? Asbestos are mineral fibers that can be separated into thin, durable threads. These fibers are resistant to heat, fire, and chemicals and do not conduct electricity. These minerals have been used widely in many industries. Chemically, asbestos are silicate compound of silicon and oxygen atoms in their molecular structure. The building and construction industries use asbestos for strengthening cement and plastics as well as for insulation, roofing, fireproofing, and sound absorption. The shipbuilding industries insulate boilers, steam pipes, and hot water pipes with these minerals. For their vehicle brake shoes and clutch pads, the automotive industry makes use of these fibers. Asbestos materials are also used in ceiling and floor tiles paints, coatings, adhesives, plastics and many others.
In recent years, due to widespread public concern about the health hazards of asbestos, domestic consumption had significantly dropped. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, the EPA and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, studies show that constant exposure to asbestos caused an increase in asbestosis syndrome, mesothelioma, gastrointestinal, colorectal cancers and other diseases. Early stage asbestos lung cancer is hard to detect because of lack of apparent symptoms. It usually begins in the bronchial lining or the bronchioles, lung air sacs and trachea. The cancer develops slowly but can spread and invade other parts of the body.
Like any other type of lung cancer, the diagnostic tests include physical exams, x-rays, ct scans, imaging tests, PET scan and biopsies. During the diagnostic procedures, you should provide the medical team with vital and relevant information on the extent of asbestos exposure. Factors such as how long has been the exposure, estimated volume of exposure, source, size, shape and chemical make- up of asbestos fibers, whether you are a smoker or non-smoker and current lung problem are important things your doctors should be aware of. With regards its chemical make-up, studies have suggested that if the exposure is with the amphibole asbestos rather than the chrysotile, the risk of developing malignant mesothelioma lung cancer is greater because of the tendency of the amphibole fibers to lodge in the lungs for a long time.
Asbestosis is a disease in which asbestos fibers can cause scarring, inflammation of tissues and growth of non-malignant tumors in the lungs. They are benign and do not spread to the other organs. On the other hand, with mesothelioma, the growth of tumors that occurs in the serious thin membrane linings are malignant and they grow fast and spread to the other organs. When it occurs in the lungs, it is called pleural mesothelioma. It is a rare type of lung cancer. You can detect it by x-rays and confirm by biopsy test. Traditional treatments recommended by a medical team depending on individual evaluation include radiation therapy, surgery and chemotherapy.
Prognosticating mesothelioma reveal serious mortality rates. Factors which affect prognosis are area of cancer, stage, histology, patient's general health, age and response to treatment. Survival rate for patients with high level of white cell counts, presence of SV40 virus and certain biochemical markers from date of diagnosis is only a few months. The median life expectancy rate is about a year.
There are still many work environments and trades in which people are constantly exposed to asbestos. You may belong to any of these groups. Some of them are operational engineers, steamfitters, sheet metal workers, pipe fitters, plumbers, metal lathers, merchant marine, firefighters, shipyard workers, industrial plant workers, plumbers, construction workers, asbestos plant workers, boilers, longshoremen, railroad workers, industrial painters, workers in glass factory, schools, power plants, cement plants, military, hotels, telephone companies, oil refinery, loading docks, hospitals, chemical plants, heating and air-conditioning, boiler or engine rooms, etc.
If you happen to believe having a prolonged exposure to asbestos and are experiencing abnormalities, it is to your best interest to undergo a comprehensive physical exam. You should have a complete x-ray of the front, back, side, and oblique views. Other tests are pulmonary function test, blood work, a CT scan, etc. Request your doctors to explain to you what the tests reveal. It you are diagnosed with a lung cancer from asbestos, have the courage to face it frontally and disclose your condition to your loved ones. Ask for their support and prayers. Seek a second opinion. Lastly, pray for supernatural healing!
My name is Jet Jones and I research and write about lung cancer info. Please visit my site at http://lungcancer-stages.com to find information about lung cancer stages and treatments that can help you better understand this dreaded disease.

More About Asbestos Lung Cancer and What Causes Lung Cancer

Studies show that there is an increase of cancer instances among workers exposed to asbestos. In lieu to this, asbestos lung cancer has become one of the most dreaded types of cancer.
The causes of lung cancer vary. Aside from exposure to asbestos, smoking and air pollution can trigger the onset of the disease. Therefore, avoiding these possible cancer-causing agents is essential for healthy lungs.
Asbestos is a group of minerals that are found naturally in the environment. These are featured as bundles of fibers that can be separated into durable and thin threads. These so-called fibers are resistant to fire, heat and chemicals. They don't conduct electricity. For these reasons, many industries use asbestos.
Chemically, asbestos minerals are silicate compounds. They contain atoms of oxygen and silicon in their molecular structure. Asbestos are used in building and construction industries to strengthen cement and plastics; for insulation, sound absorption, fireproofing and roofing.
The shipbuilding industry also uses asbestos to insulate steam pipes, boilers and hot water pipes. These are also used in vehicle clutch pads and brake shoes. They are in paints, coatings and floor and ceiling tiles. Furthermore, asbestos has been found in some talc-containing crayons and vermiculite-containing garden products. For these reasons, there is no guarantee that anyone is safe from developing asbestos lung cancer.
With the wide use of asbestos, almost everybody can be exposed to its adverse effects. The most popular of which is cancer of the lung. Like any other form of cancers, the causes of this type can disrupt the balance on cell growth in the lungs - resulting to an uncontrolled division and proliferation of cells. Eventually, this will form a mass known as tumors.
Lung cancers are very life-threatening. In fact, they're one of the most difficult diseases to treat. People with this condition don't know they have it because the symptoms are often mistaken as that of tuberculosis ad other types respiratory tract infections. Some of the early symptoms of asbestos lung cancer include weight loss, chest pain, a persistent cough, chest pain, hoarseness and bloody or rust-colored sputum (spit or phlegm).
While the principal function of the lungs is to exchange gases between our blood and the air we breathe, the lungs are also responsible for the carbon dioxide to get out from the blood and for the oxygen to enter the bloodstream. Since asbestos fibers can stay for a long while in the lung tissue after an exposure to asbestos, people who have developed asbestos lung cancer have slim chances of surviving it.
The workplace is the most popular source of asbestos exposure since asbestos is used in insulations. Smokers and non-smokers exposed to asbestos are most likely to develop lung cancers than those who are not.
For doctors to diagnose the onset of the disease, a full physical examination is warranted. Your doctor may also take a sample of your phlegm (spit). This will be examined under a microscope to see if cancer cells are present.
To avoid cancer, you can start with a healthy diet. Eat citrus foods, green leafy vegetables, fresh garlic and omega-3 fatty foods such as fish, walnuts and winter squash. Avoid smoking and inhaling harsh chemicals that can harm the lungs like asbestos.
Read more about asbestos cancer of the lung and more updated information on what causes cancer at HouseAndHome.Org and WhatCauses.Net.

Asbestos Related Lung Cancer

Nowadays, there are many diseases and illnesses caused by unhealthy life style. These diseases can also be developed to constant exposure to dangerous substance or chemical. One of the most dangerous diseases is the asbestos lung cancer.
When people hear about lung cancer, most of them think about cancer suffered by smokers. It's not always true, actually. Those who are often exposed to it, are usually workers in mines, mills, factories, or home workers who usually deal with installing, carrying, or removing it. Some workers who are exposed to high concentration of asbestos are workers in automotive repair, boiler making, pipe fitting, construction, or even people who work in laundry to clean clothes containing clothing.
It is a kind of fibrous family of silica compound. It forms fibers and there are 3 types of it: white asbestos (the chrysolite), brown asbestos (the amosite), and blue asbestos (the crocidolite). All three are dangerous and can cause lung disease related to cancer or non-cancer illness. Its effect isn't direct, though. It takes about 20 years of exposure to make it resulted in cancer. During the 20 years people might not feel anything. There are 3 types of lung disease related exposure to asbestos:
  1. Asbestosis: the scarring of the lung process which means the lungs are hurt
  2. Pleura or the lining of the lung. This is caused by inflammation and the lining tissue will be thicken or hardened, and it happens on the outer part of the lungs.
  3. Lung cancer. It's caused from within the lungs or the pleura.
When the disease develops into lung cancer, there are two types of lung cancer: the small cell one (SCLC - small cell) and non small one (NSCLC - non small cell). The SCLS means that the cells are round and small, while the NSCLC means that the cells are bigger. When the cancer has the characteristics of both, it's called the mixed small/large cell cancer. The cancer in the lung will start by the dividing of tissue cell in the lung at abnormal and uncontrollable level. Sometimes the cell may grow in strange condition and become bigger and then form a cluster. The NSCLC is the biggest part of lung cancer diseases, with about 80% of patients suffer from it. Although the cancers are small, they can multiply fast and form a tumor - even large ones. The tumor then can spread to other organs and lymph nodes. Most patients won't realize that they have asbestos lung cancer until it's too late. They don't know about it because they don't feel any pain or symptoms. It's called as asymptomatic or without symptoms. To diagnose asbestos, the doctors require patients to undergo image tests, biopsy, and spit sample.
Asbestos can get worse if the patients have unhealthy habits such as smoking or drinking. Smoking will definitely worsen their condition. When patients start to feel initial symptoms they may cough over and over, have chest pain, suffer from bleeding sputum, have change in sputum's colour and volume, have weight loss, suffer from appetite loss, suffer from headaches and often feel very tired.
If you want to get some excellent resources on asbestos lung cancer [http://asbestoslungcancercures.com/], please visit my site [http://asbestoslungcancercures.com/]

The Asbestos Lung Cancer Prognosis

Asbestos are the common kinds of materials that many of us used for the house. We used the asbestos for the ceiling. We used the asbestos for the wall as well. Surely, it was the best for us. It has the excellent performance which surely would make the room looks better, and it also has the simple method to use it. It would be simple and even the rookie worker could work on it easily. But somehow, according to the latest experiments' results, the asbestos have been declared as the positive trigger for the lung cancer. The study over some asbestos factory workers supported that hypothesis. The asbestos lung cancer prognosis has been made by the experts.
Some experts have already made the asbestos lung cancer prognosis based on the fact that many of this cancer cases happened to some asbestos workers or some people that had to deal with the asbestos for some long time and constantly, including some people that used the asbestos as the materials to build the house. Surely, that would be a scary thing that we should deal with. Somehow, that is why the asbestos producers have decided to develop some new kinds of asbestos, something that would be healthier for the human being.
They have developed some excellent solutions for the houses. This would be something extremely important to make sure that the asbestos cancer cases wouldn't happen again. The doctors wouldn't have to make the asbestos lung cancer prognosis as well. Somehow, according to the latest experiments as well, there are some solutions over the asbestos. This conclusion was made from some experiments over some asbestos lung cancer patients that have managed to survive. Perhaps, their near death experiences could be the excellent lesson for all of us to be more careful with all things.
You can find more information about asbestos lung cancer [http://asbestoslungcancerprognosis.com] on our website [http://asbestoslungcancerprognosis.com].

Asbestos Lung Cancer

Asbestos exposure raises the chances of someone dying of lung by 700% compared to people who are not exposed the Asbestos. The risks of getting any type of lung cancer is substantially higher for those who have been exposed to Asbestos in the past. A rare type of cancer that is to believed to be directly caused by Asbestos exposure is Malignant Mesothelioma. This type cancer directly attacks the lining of the lungs. It slowly kills the cells in this lining. Over time patients begin to get less oxygen absorbed into the bloodstream. The lack of oxygen can begin to have detrimental affects on many other ares of the body, including brain function for several years before the patient knows they have Malignant Mesothelioma.
The lining in the lungs is called the pleura. This is also the area that is infected in patients that have the disease pleurisy. Malignant Mesothelioma and pleurisy are in no way related and people who contract pleurisy should not think that they are at greater risk for Malignant Mesothelioma.
Asbestos was very commonly used for construction until around the 1950's. At that time it was found that there was a link between Asbestos and cancer in the lungs. For asbestos to be dangerous a person must inhale the fiber particles such as would be released if you were sand it with sandpaper. Because of this fact there are still building today that contain Asbestos materials. It is believed that to remove it would actually increase the danger to the public for exposure. The removal would most likely cause the release of particles into the air.
Asbestos related lung cancer has many of the same symptoms as other forms of lung cancer. They include: shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, coughing up of blood. For those who are affected by Malignant Mesothelioma there is a class action lawsuit that has been under way for several years. these patients are urged to check into it. Most patients are entitled to a significant judgement - CONTINUE [http://mesothelioma--cancer-.blogspot.com]